A Transport by taxi is performed only by authorized carriers who hold valid taxi permits issued in accordance with the law for each vehicle used. The public transport for a fee of people with a car is prohibited without having a valid taxi permit for it as the case may be A distinction must be made between the authorization of the carrier and that of the driver . At the moment we are only referring to the authorization of the carrier i.e. the one that performs the public transport service in question. We note that when dealing with a public transport service the law outlines many requirements that the.
Carrier must tick in order to obtain the taxi transport authorization among which Country Email List we mention by way of example proof of meeting the professional capacity condition the certificate of professional competence for the taxi and rental transport manager the professional certificate of the taxi driver who is an authorized natural person carrier proof of the fulfillment of the condition of honesty the criminal record certificates of the drivers and as the case may be of the that they have not been convicted of crimes such as those against safety on public roads regarding traffic and drug use against the patrimony.
The medical and psychological certificates of the drivers and as the case may be the medical and psychological certificates of the taxi transport manager the fiscal record of the carrier if he is an economic operator proof of the fulfillment of financial capacity declaration on the carriers own responsibility that he can provide the necessary spaces for the parking of all the vehicles with which he will carry out the transport as a taxi spaces owned by the owner or through a rental contract. We cannot fail to notice an important aspect namely in the case of the transport of people by taxi.