With the beginning of the course Radio Diférence restarts its activities a program born from the concern of a group of students of Journalism Social Work Telecommunications and Fine Arts to learn about the changing social reality in which we live. This radio project was born in October with the support of the Vice-Rectorate of Culture Sports and University Extension of the UCLM and MakingUCLM with a program dedicated to the fight against gender violence later converted into a video which was broadcast during the celebration. of the institutional act of that year in the Subdelegation of the Government of Cuenca.
Since then there have been more than fifty radio programs in which the geographical scope of interest has been expanded and collaborations have been carried out with territorial delegations of ONCE Manos Unidas Plena Inclusion Secretariado Gitano CXB Directory ADACE Aframas or Afyedalcu among others. There have also been many protagonists from the world of culture who have passed through the microphones of the weekly edition of the program. Rocío Márquez Rocío Molina María Rodés Judit Neddermann Kiki Morente Nora Norman Gambeat Aurora Beltrán Marisol Galdón David Couso César Vea or Luis Antonio Pedraza are some of the names from the world of culture who have participated in Espaces the weekly version dedicated to culture.
Radio Difference university radio for a changing world
During the last season Radio Differenza was the setting where the meeting between NGOs and the then candidates for mayor of Cuenca took place in addition to carrying out the series of special programs “Dialogues in Iberia” in collaboration with the College of Architects of Castilla -La Mancha or the University Book Radio Week.
The contents which can be heard from the radiodifference.es website or on the main podcast platforms and which once converted into texts have been published by Nuevatribuna Las Noticias de Cuenca Mundiario Lima Gris Peru Íkaro Costa Rica La Tundra UK Yaconic Mexico Diario Folk la Escena Más Escena and so on up to more than sixty media outlets from ten countries some of them produced exclusively and others distributed simultaneously under a Creative Commons license .